March 7, 2025

Blue Ribbon Baking Championship Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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Blue Ribbon Baking Championship Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

I saw this and thought I would pop in. I don’t bake any more as I don’t eat baking, but I wanted to peek at the new cooking show.

I have never heard of Sandra Lee, but wow – she is the personification of a Stepford Wife. She was painful to watch and listen to. Her hair looks like someone dyed a bushy porcupine and gave it an 80’s hairstyle. Wow, just wow.

What hair products is she using? It’s flying all over, whispies floating and doing what I just hate people with long hair doing, not keeping their whispies from draping over food. That is disgusting. Someone, get her hair proper products, because she’s dyed herself blonde so much it’s so dry it is near dead.

Her attire is tacky. The dress is an abomination with 50 cent plastic jewellery which is truly very awful; like play jewellery for little girls from the 1970s. The hot mess of a dress looks like someone blew up a taco, and the most absurd pair of boots I’ve ever seen. Picture an alien landing in a hillbilly town and trying to pass as a human, but got all the fashion decades mixed up and tried to go bold with all of them? What a nightmare. Who put her in that monstrosity? Does she go out in public like this all the time?

She also talks with her hands. Talking with your hands and partaking in arm waving is socially low brow. Besides, as she is standing there trying to wave in passing planes, some of that horrible plastic jewellery wrapped around her wrists and fingers could come flying off and take someone’s eye out?

It’s actually offensive to see her wave her limbs at contestants, which calls their attention to her talking about them, and then running them down. Yup….she’s a mean girl. She was running their food down before it was out of the oven. She’s mean. Get a new judge.

Why do Americans want to present themselves as hillbillies so much? The low to no IQ look. Why did she dress this way? Was it in her contract? Because it’s horrific and visually ruined the show.As you can tell, I felt like Sandra Lee’s look was a blemish on this show. LOL She looks like a tacky clown and yes, she is wearing contracts to make her eyes really blue. HA! Major money spent on her new face.

And yes, the cohost: he needed a shave and to not wear the ugly pink sports jacket. Good grief. The producers of these shows need to let people look normal. On a serious note, she reacted with mean-girl expression at the contestants when they cooked something she wasn’t familiar with. No surprise, but really classless. The contestants did a great job, and have created some unique desserts.

Blue Ribbon Baking Championship Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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