March 12, 2025

Freaks: You’re One of Us Review 2020 Movie Trailer Poster Online

Freaks: You're One of Us Review 2020 Movie
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Freaks: You’re One of Us Review 2020 Movie Trailer Poster Online

Director: Felix Binder

Writer: Marc O. Seng

Stars: Cornelia Gröschel, Tim Oliver Schultz, Wotan Wilke Möhring

A school is in totally in disorder state. A desk with blood all over and smashed on the sidewalk. A girl is sitting alone in school and listening to music and crying. After a long time, almost many decades that girl now becomes an adult, named Wendy. She said goodbye to her husband Lars and her son then she moves to work at Chop Heaven.

Wendy’s boss always acts like he is pushing her around like the many other people. She visits Dr. Stern, the psychotherapist of prescribing those blue pills that are she has taken in the morning. But one day a man named Marek tells her that she should stop taking these blue pills. A truck flattens him after he jumps off an overpass and yet he survived as it would not be possible if it was not the movie of superpower folks.

Wendy flushes those blue pills. and next she is bending a metal tray, busting into a ATM for some free cash that is not possible legally, leaping into a second-story window, and many other strange awkward things that seems interesting to her.

But if we see this movie anyone will notice it lacks the uniqueness and that creativity, inspiration, and the things we have not seen before. It could be much inspirational.

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Freaks: You’re One of Us Review 2020 Movie Trailer Poster Online

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