February 23, 2025

Tokyo Override Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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Tokyo Override Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

Young hacker Kai’s life is suddenly turned upside down when she gets involved with a group of couriers from Suma Garage who specialize in unregulated deliveries for good causes. The perfectly optimized utopia suddenly shows a dark underbelly of drugs and crime, and it’s up to the gang to expose a potential conspiracy.

Advertising and animation have had a relationship that has gone back decades. Adult animation specifically has seen big franchises hawk big companies on numerous occasions like The Flintstones with Lucky Strike Cigarettes, The Simpsons with Butterfinger candy, and even Family Guy with Subway sandwiches. Heck, Adult Swim will often cater to advertisers by promising animated shorts produced by various studios and their biggest programming icons like Rick and Morty and Robot Chicken. All of it is here designed to do one thing…keeping advertisers’ brands on your mind.

With Netflix and other streaming services offering subscription with ads offerings for consumers, expect these practices to not only continue but be further expanded upon. Case and point, Tokyo Override. This Netflix ONA series sees the world’s biggest streamer team up with Japanese automotive titans Yamaha and Honda to produce a six-episode anime series designed to make sure you kids at home think about one thing and one thing only when it comes to picking a motorcycle in the near future…pick Honda or Yamaha. No Harley Davidsons are presented in this effort from directed by Yusuke Fukada and Veerapatra Jinanavin in this Thai-produced animated series, no sir…you want a bike in the future you’ve got TWO options. Whether it’s for racing, traveling, or even trying to bring down a government-backed crime syndicate, Honda and Yamaha are the brands you need to get the job done.

Plot? Script? Catchy dialogue? Oh, don’t worry, you won’t need any of that here, just so long as you realize that when you think motorcycles sometime in the near future, a Yamaha or Honda is your go-to. To make sure these ideas are really driven home Iyuno Studios has pulled out the big bucks on this English dubbed adaptation with the most top-notch English dub producers the world has to offer including Aaron Dismuke, Tia Ballard, and others to make sure that Honda or Yamaha sounds just as good in English as it does in any other language. The voice cast is top-notch also, Erica Lindbeck, Kaiji Tang, and others are here to cash that check all the way to the bank and why not? If you’re gonna do a six-episode advertisement for Honda and Yamaha then you might as well grab that bag while you can.

When The Fast and Furious and Watch Dogs copulate then Tokyo Override is the result featuring stellar visuals juxtaposed in a 3D CG Tokyo that somewhat borrows futuristic ideas that we’ve seen before in films like Minority Report which would be fine if there was anything worth it’s weight in gold that would give us a decent story to hold on to. But, don’t you worry everybody, next time I’m thinking about my incoming midlife crisis I’m going to do so with Honda and Yamaha top-of-mind.

Tokyo Override Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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