October 18, 2024

Tiger Stripes 2024 Movie Review

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Tiger Stripes 2024 Movie Review

Responses from general people have been mildly positive but many have been experiencing how this isn’t a horror movie and there’s not much scares. It’s more of a coming-of-age story rather then horror so just keep that in mind. This movie won the Critics’ Week Grand Prize and having seen it, I can see why.

Director Amanda Nell Eu does a pretty good job other debut story about the coming-of-age setting of a 12 year old girl going through some bizarre changes and situations with gorgeous colorful camerawork, sound designs, themes and atmospheres, and good performance from the lead actress.

Malaysian cinema isn’t often discussed and rarely I have seen films from the country and having known it’s culture and background, the movie does a pretty good job on capturing the setting, atmosphere, culture and beliefs with some interesting ballsy choices like discussions of periods and showing Malay girls’ sexuality. Throughout, Nell Eu’s direction was pretty good on handling the narrative, sound, atmosphere and concepts. While some concepts are a bit cliched of certain horror tropes, the narrative mostly worked.

The performances are pretty good as the child performance are all solid. The sound designs are good, the characters, while a bit thin, remain interesting and engaging to observe, and it has a good score. The movie has horror themes explored but admittedly, since it is more of a coming-of-age story, the horror elements didn’t feel as strong or ambitious as it could have been. Including some noticeable bad CGI.

Overall, despite the flaws, I found myself enjoying this movie because of it’s ambitious style, concept and the direction it took. Again, this isn’t the typical horror movie but it’s more of a coming-of-age movie.

Tiger Stripes 2024 Movie Review

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