March 6, 2025

Technoboys 2024 Movie Review

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Technoboys 2024 Movie Review

Technoboys is the latest Mexican comedy on Netflix, diving deep into the music industry and adding a dash of satire and silliness for good measure. The film isn’t bad, and certainly has a few stand-out moments, but similarly, it’s not one to write home about.

The film takes place in an alternate-present timeline where a boy band called Technoboys have taken the world by storm. Unfortunately, the lead singer, Alan, goes completely off the rails after making a big scene at fellow pop-star Melena’s wedding, causing Technoboys to fade into obscurity.

The Spicy Roots take their place as the number 1 boy band in the country but Alan is not about to roll over and let this slide. He clings to the dream of getting back to the top of the podium with the gang, and he gets his chance when Masiosare, Mel’s husband and manager, relinquishes rights to the Technoboys name years later. Alan snaps it up, and the comeback tour is on!

As the film progresses, Alan comes to realize that we all grow and evolve over time, and the band he once knew are in very different places now. His journey of acceptance intertwines around a “whodunit” toward the end of the story, while there’s also a couple of scandals to sort out on the way there.

The resolution to the conflicts are wrapped up extremely fast though, and it’s actually quite disappointing how this all comes about. There are character journeys and then teleportations from point A to B, and Technoboys absolutely falls in the latter. It’s really not a very satisfying ending, all things considered, but I won’t spoil that here.

Where Technoboys is at its strongest however, is when it points at the absurdity of celebrity and the obsessive culture around gossip and scandals. The film does a decent job of this, partly through Mel who becomes the voice for the oppressed. She pretends to be black, tanning herself up and speaking for “her people”, and there’s a nice little monologue toward the end that addresses this hypocrisy.

Beyond that though, the story is pretty perfunctory, all things considered. You’ll see most of the twists coming a mile off, along with the standard one-sided love angle, and the diverse band feels reminiscent of films like Dodgeball where a bunch of misfits come together against the odds. Only, this film is nowhere near the comedy gold that produced.

However, for all the good this film does, it all comes back to that ending. Technoboys feels like it’s in such a rush to wrap everything up with a neat little bow, it forgets to add proper challenges for our characters to overcome beyond accepting and loving who they all are. Ultimately, Technoboys is a pretty average film with a below-average ending.

Technoboys 2024 Movie Review

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