March 3, 2025

Raising Voices Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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Raising Voices Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

Raising Voices is a Spanish-language Netflix series about a rebellious girl named Alma. The series begins at its climax when Alma puts up a banner on the school gates with the words, “Be warned, this school is hiding a rapist.” Though the show is primarily Alma’s story, it actually gives us insight into a few other girls in her life. Berta, Nata, and Greta are each facing terrifying challenges in their school lives, and Raising Voices ties all of their stories together through Alma, their unhinged friend. The show attempts to depict problematic youth culture and to show young girls that they should be able to speak up when something terrible has happened to them. It places heavy emphasis on the fact that young girls blame themselves for anything that’s happened to them out of fear of judgment.

In Raising Voices‘ final episode, Alma has a volcano of feelings ready to erupt, so the slightest spark is dangerous to her. The school learns that the profile on social media that has garnered a lot of attention for speaking up about sexual abuse is Alma’s; they immediately call it out for being fake. On the other hand, Berta, who was against the whole thing to begin with, has finally realized she wants to go all out with the images and include the history teacher’s car. At this point, since Alma is struggling with the pressure from the school and how everyone’s turned on her, she tells Berta that she wants to put the whole thing on pause for a bit. Moreover, she admits to Berta that she did go see the guy on her own, and he didn’t do anything to her, making Berta feel like Alma thinks she’s lying. This completely derails Berta, and after they’re off the bus, she tells Alma that it was all a waste and walks into speeding traffic. Berta dies in front of Alma because a few words that Alma said triggered her. It’s Nata who tells the school that the pictures were posted by Alma, and she’s taken to the police. Mercedes Gracia, Greta’s big crush, is from the department for female minors, and she questions Alma about the social media account. Despite her promises to Berta, Alma tells Mercedes what happened to her, but there’s no evidence to prove it. Additionally, Mercedes learns that Berta had reported the guy, but he was never caught because of the lack of evidence. What’s worse is that Berta was already suffering from mental illness, so it couldn’t even be proved that she deteriorated because of what happened to her at the school. Alma’s also suspended from the school.

It is when Alma notices a younger female student standing in front of the history teacher’s room in fear that she knows that Berta had been speaking the truth. She sends the girl away and immediately goes into the office and tells the man that she’s going to tell everybody the truth about what he does.

It is most important in such a situation to have a supportive family. Alma finally decides to take matters into her own hands and asks her parents to help her. Together, they paint the banner to hang outside of the school. Alma’s already been suspended at this point. Alma’s father finally admits that she’s been a brave girl her whole life, and he should’ve never hit her. He realizes she’s different from other students and promises not to force her into a box. He tells her he’ll be by her side, whatever she chooses for herself. The next day, Alma gets dropped off at school by her dad and ties up the banner at the gate. She stands there by herself, waiting for students to join her in her fight against the history teacher and the school.

The entire school gathers at the windows to look at Alma, and for a second, it almost feels like she’s making a fool of herself once again. She is, after all, like the “boy who cried wolf,” so it seems everybody just thinks she’s causing trouble. However, when the younger student who was being assaulted by the history teacher sees Alma taking a stand for her, she runs to her and gives her a tight hug. She stands next to Alma, ready to take action against what has been done to her all this time. She also makes a social media post with the history teacher’s face on it, calling him a sexual predator.

Watching her friend put herself out there, Nata finally realizes that Alma was right all along. Hernan and his friends join Alma, too, giving the school a fright. The principal tries to get the students back in their classes and threatens Alma with the police, claiming her “actions will have consequences.” That’s “irony,” if you ask me. More students join Alma, and Alberto can’t stop calling her names. Nata decides she’s had enough, dumps him in front of all the other students, and calls him out for sending child pornography (his own pictures) to Alma, her best friend. She also admits that she should’ve turned him in when he basically decided to “allow” his friends to try and assault her.

The Guardia Civil arrives at the scene much earlier than anticipated because they’re there to arrest the history teacher. Justice is finally served as he gets arrested in front of the whole school. The image that Alma had shared had prompted a student from another school to come out as a victim, allowing Mercedes to open up the case properly. Alma points her to the younger girl, Bambi, to get her to give her testimony as well.

In Raising Voices‘ ending, Alma has a huge following on social media, and she tells her followers that she’s going to go away on tour with a DJ as her community manager in Europe for three months. Greta and Alma say their goodbyes, and finally, it’s time for Alma to leave. Alma’s parents still worry, but they know that she can look after herself and tell her to come back to them if anything happens. It is, after all, a terrifying world out there. Raising Voices isn’t the most realistic series; I mean, it takes much more than courage to call out a sexual predator. However, it’s a story that prompts conversations and could help young girls understand how important it is to speak up. Despite Alma not being the rape victim herself, she really wanted to help her friend, and watching Berta get run over really triggered something in her. She’s also a unique kid who may not be good with schoolwork but has a different spark of her own. The show also pushes the idea of providing kids with a nurturing environment to do what they love instead of forcing them to be like others.

Raising Voices Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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