February 23, 2025

Martha 2024 Movie Review

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Martha 2024 Movie Review

As FilmDogmatistTroy wrote “Martha is a torturous lesson in narcissism, a documentary about a woman who wants to control her image down to the last leaf on the centerpiece.” It is true, this film shows the sad, vanity of power in the hands of mankind. Martha is no different than the other rich, who through their own sin, will not look farther than inward.

Why watch it? Its to teach you why the way of world, when ignoring our true fallen nature as sinners, will always lead you into narcissism. Martha shows why, those who only seek to please themselves, instead of for our neighbors, will in the end, be ALONE.

Whether or not you believe this, our fallen desire in contributing to our salvation, is to sin. Martha shows you the true root of evil, is individualism, self! We were not created to be alone, but together. Outside ourselves is one incarnation of the flesh, who made a covenant to save us. To be the seed that would crush the serpents head. He did that 2000 years ago, dying for our sins. He is Jesus Christ. He didn’t do it as a king of this world but died for all. And was raised for our justification.

What does this have to due with this documentary? Plenty, because following ourselves, our own laws, leads everyone to what the devil wants of God’s creation, loneliness. The simple part that Martha, at least in this documentary, won’t do is repent. Not having emotions is like being dead. All of us sin and yet Jesus Christ died for the ungodly. Pray for Martha and for everyone like her. That God would break her of this narcissistic behavior before its too late.

Martha 2024 Movie Review

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