March 5, 2025

Hijack ’93 2024 Movie Review

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Hijack ’93 2024 Movie Review

Where do I even start? This film has its ups and downs, but honestly, the negatives really overshadow the positives.

Let’s start off with the good: the four actors playing the hijackers were pretty solid, especially Owiwi and Iku. The movie at some point stuck to the thriller vibe, with some genuinely tense moments. I also liked how the hijackers slowly began to realize their mission has failed, I think that part was done well. And I couldn’t help but chuckle at the subtle shade on dentists not being “real doctors.” That part genuinely made me laugh out loud.

Now, onto the bad: this movie is a total mess. I could go on and on about its flaws, seriously, I could write a thousand-word essay about it. The characters had zero backstory or distinct personality, so there was really no reason for us to care about any of the characters. At some point you couldn’t tell who was who, I lost track on some of the characters (even though they weren’t a lot of them) And let’s be real, the acting from about 90% of the cast was pretty subpar.

And I get that it’s based on real events from 1993, but it didn’t feel like a movie set in the ’90s at all. At some point, you forget this happened in the early 90s with their modern guns and vehicles. Honestly it was laughable

Another thing that wasn’t done right was the hijackers being portrayed as a bunch of young guys looking for “social change” by taking on a military-backed government. This is a very oversimplified take on their real motives, which were more about protesting the annulment of the 1993 election in Nigeria. If they had focused on the actual political tensions, show us the political events that led to the whole thing, it would’ve made the film way more engaging and educational for anyone interested in Nigeria’s history.

I also feel this movie would’ve benefitted from a closer look at the meticulous planning of the hijackers and the psychological pressure or mental stress of the passengers, it could have really cranked up the suspense, you know like those classic thrillers that draw you into the hijacker’s and passengers emotional rollercoaster.

I know the the film touches on some government criticism, but it completely misses out on the broader historical context, like the political climate under General Babangida, which was crucial in shaping the real life hijacker’s motivations. Adding that context would have clarified the hijackers’ desperation and the bigger impact of their actions on Nigerian society.

I could keep going, but honestly, I just wish Nollywood would put in a bit more effort into movies, especially those that hinge on historical context.

Hijack ’93 2024 Movie Review

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