March 7, 2025

Gotham Knights Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

Gotham Knights
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Gotham Knights Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

I am pretty sure that this will have an audience, which agreeably it has due to the spammed 10 out of 10 trying to defend it while the same reviewers rated the flash show 6 out of 10 or less but both this show and the other DC shows on the CW have the same failed gritty tone that appeals to a certain group but not others.

With that out of the way let me cover one thing, I love batman from the comics to everything. And no I do not want comic correct stuff cause the comics are ever evolving why can’t the adaptations do the same even the Japanese Batman or Jurassic take. Heck I enjoy both Teen Titans and Young Justice, repeat episodes all by myself.

On to the show, this is a total mess in my humble opinion and I hope episode two will fix it but knowing the CW that is the last thing they would do. How can Batman’s own kid not know what his dad does but stumbles upon it when his dead, like I don’t know about most people but I was not naughty as a child but I stumbled on to my own dads many secrets before I hit 13. Heck recently bought a movie about batman turning into an actual bat-man or is it man-bat, set in the early 1900s and loved the heck out of it.

This really does seems like one of those shows where we have to force the narrative that girls are also strong, which is rather sad cause in the Bat Family the girls are strong and no one needs to question it, we see it.

Cassandra Cain (Orphan), Stephanie Brown (Spoiler), Claire Clover (Gotham Girl) and Helena Bertinelli (Huntress) or Selina Kyle (Catwoman) could have easily been used here and made the show 10 times better showcasing strong women who in fact can def do better, have their own storylines that still tie into the death of Bruce Wayne but leading in their own right, heck huntress and catwoman would have experience and a deeper connection to Bruce that they would not want to mentor the Gotham Knights but will eventually take on the task.

Several ways to rewrite this garbage, but ultimately if you enjoy the current. Slate of DC shows on the CW you will definitely enjoy this, and that not a bad thing. I just don’t vibe with predictable shows that don’t put an effort in keeping me hooked either with the action or the thriller/drama aspects.

Gotham Knights Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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