Captain Fall Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online
The first 4-5 episodes almost feel like a parody of adult cartoons and their stereotypes of juvenile and vulgar. They are very joke-heavy and the jokes are unfunny, often shoehorned sex jokes or unfunny cringe comedy, plus a little bit of cussing and gore to be vulgar and edgy. The jokes often get dragged out or set up for too long, so even if there were funny jokes the execution drags it down. There’s really not much to elaborate on, the humor is just bad. I don’t blame anyone for refusing to watch further and considering it one of the objectively worst cartoons ever, or just another bland adult cartoon. I was sure I did.
However, the sex jokes, and jokes in general, slow down in the second half, and by episode 7 there’s actually a decently-focussed upon plot ánd a joke that actually got me laughing at the end of the episode. The remaining 3 episodes are also decent with more plot and fewer attempts at comedy, of which even a handful I laughed at.
There are other qualities redeeming the series compared to the typical adult cartoon you’d see at first. The premise itself is interesting. I like that they made it so that everyone on the ship is in on the illegal practices and it isn’t that part of the crew are ‘good guys’ that the captain has to trust or anything. Everyone is in on it and deceiving Fall, making a harder dynamic to pull off. The ship is also a nice-looking setting of course, so that helps with making it watchable.
Captain Fall, while being a doofus for cringe comedy, doesn’t have an annoying voice to go alongside it; in fact, he sounds quite calm and the joke is mostly him being too slow to catch on. His brother has a terrible voice, but gladly he’s barely there throughout the series. And while the humor is bad and cringe, it’s not the worst cringe I’ve seen, AND while featuring most adult cartoon clichés, especially sex jokes very prominently, it barely features cultural and political references, which I often find not just unfunny but also pretentious.
Which reminds me, I get angry so often at shows that are pretentious or act like they’ve got more going on than there is. Shows that deceive viewers that it’s deep or anything. Captain Fall doesn’t try to be deep or try to hide it’s just a dumb adult cartoon. It doesn’t even try to make you sympathize with him, which was my fear initially. Everything is comedy, and while 99% of the jokes are bad, they’re not physically painful to watch/listen or anything.
Overall, Captain Fall is bad and it’s baffling how anyone still thinks this kind of ‘adult cartoon’ humor appeals to audiences in 2023. However, it’s not frustrating, picks up a bit in the last third and has its redeeming and mitagating qualities compared to other adult cartoons.