March 11, 2025

Bandidos 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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Bandidos 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

The voice belongs to Miguel (Alfonso Dosal), whose ragtag team consists of Lilí (Ester Expósito), a con artist; Wilson (Juan Pablo Medina), a forger; and Lucas (Juan Pablo Fuentes), a teenage gamer-turned-hacker. “We are the perfect bandits,” he proclaims. “What could possibly go wrong?”

Five days earlier, at a resort on the Yucatan peninsula, Miguel is driven to work by his Uncle Wilson, who has retired from his con artist career to give tours of the region. At the pool, Miguel sees Lilí, an old flame whom he used to pull scams with. She’s there to find wealthy men to try to seduce and steal from. Every person Miguel identifies is dismissed by Lilí because she notices things Miguel doesn’t.

That night at the bar, Miguel meets and gets drunk with a Spanish treasure hunter who knew about Miguel’s father Juan (Bruno Bichir), a well-known archaeologist/treasure hunter. The Spaniard is in Mexico to find the treasure of Aj Took, which his great grandfather, another noted treasure hunter, talked to him about. As the two of them drunkenly go back to the Spaniard’s room at the resort, Miguel finds out that he has the map to the treasure tattooed on his stomach.

The next morning, Miguel wakes up in the Spaniard’s room but the man is gone. Luckily, he took pictures of the map, and knows that the iconography on it is accurate. He definitely thinks that if he can get the right group together, it’ll be a huge score. He tries to convince Wilson, who’s reluctant, and Lilí, who’s heard this song and dance from Miguel before. Lucas, the son of the woman who owns the hotel chain, seems to be in just for the fun of it.

Things become more urgent when he goes to visit his father, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and lives in a memory care facility, and finds out that his father’s savings are tapped out and he owes the facility money.

One thing he does know: The map that’s been tattooed on the Spaniard isn’t complete, but he knows where a more detailed map is. It’s in a new museum of Yucatan antiquities opened by Ariel Tavitan (Andres Baida), a protege of his father’s. He spies an invite to the opening party in his father’s stuff and knows he can use it to get him and his team inside to find the map.

He manages to get Wilson on board, but the only way he can get Lilí on the team is to bail her out of jail (with Lucas’ money). Of course, she has to get caught in the act of scamming a rich guy first. Once he’s able to get that accomplished, he tells the team about his plan to get the map.

In the meantime, the Spaniard is found dead, the area of his stomach where the map tattoo was has been cut out. One of the police detectives on the case, Inés (Mabel Cadena), seems to be taking the case more seriously than her boss, who takes a Rolex off the body and doesn’t even use gloves when they go to inspect his hotel room.

What we like about the Bandidos’ story is that Miguel is so confident in his ability to hatch a complicated plan that it’s funny when he and the team slip up, leaving them to improvise and figure out how to get out of the jam they put themselves in. At some point, the team will grow to include Octavio (Nicolás Furtado), whom we don’t see in the first episode, and Citlali (Andrea Chaparro), whom we see stealing Miguel’s phone, diving off a bridge and swimming underwater for a long time, impressing both Miguel and Wilson in the process.

Will there be any insights into these characters beyond what they have done in the past to score ill-gotten gains? Probably not. But if the characters are fun and the heist they plan has all sorts of twists and turns, Bandidos should be a fun, light watch.

Bandidos 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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