October 17, 2024

Your Monster 2024 Movie Review

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Your Monster 2024 Movie Review

Laura Franco (Melissa Barrera) has been having a rather tough time as of late. Her bigshot broadway writer boyfriend broke up with her after her cancer diagnosis, and her best friend doesn’t seem to be there for her. Whilst in recovery from surgery; however, she meets a rather unexpected roommate: the monster under her bed. (Tommy Dewey) In this hilarious romantic comedy, Laura learns to stand up for herself and begins a romantic relationship with the monster of her dreams.

This is easily, EASILY, the highlight of Sundance for me. This film. Caroline Lindy is an amazing director and writer! I had so much fun with this feature! The humor is witty, the cast well rounded, the blend of romantic comedy and horror is superb, I absolutely loved this movie. I was looking forward to this film and it surpassed my high expectations. I had a genuine smile walking out of the theater and the end applause for this one was easily the loudest out of any of the movies I watched at this festival. The original music gave a whimsical quality to this film and the way this movie was shot was spectacular.

Melissa Barrera’s chemistry with Tommy Dewey is impeccable. They both have this ability to play off one another and their comedic timing is absolutely perfect. I don’t think this film would be as good as it is if it wasn’t specifically those two actors in those roles. Melissa Barrera has this believable vulnerability to her character that makes you want her to come out on top of her desperate situation.

Her vocal talents also shine through this movie, having an amazing musical number at a point in the movie that I dare not spoil here. Tommy Dewey is under a very Beauty and the Beast looking style of makeup, but manages to make his Monster both loveable and frightening. He’s two parts sarcastic jerk, one part absolute sweetheart, one part actual monster that will eat your face off. The two made this film as good as it is and I don’t think you could’ve fit better actors in the roles.

Each character was well written and you could tell the story was deeply personal. I laughed pretty hard in the theater. Pretty sure the fellow audience members heard me bout four rows down.

Your Monster 2024 Movie Review

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