March 6, 2025

Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

    It feels like such a waste. Time and time again, Ubisoft has failed to deliver something truly memorable in their own gaming experiences due to trend surfing. Now that they have one of their best ideas to date, they (or Netflix) cut it down to mere bullet points.

    Captain Laserhawk is 6 episodes long. You experience all of the twists and turns of a 2-season, 20 episode TV series in six 25-minute episodes. The show sprints through heartbreak and elation without a second to breathe. You see an entire world that could be explored, only to decide it’s pointless by the next 2-3 scenes. You meet a main character, hear them say a few lines and watch them die. It was so easy to fall behind, that I had to rewind several times an episode.

    I ended up not caring about any of the characters plights and achievements as a result (besides Rayman). How would I even care if they died? I have nothing to know about them beyond the fact that they’re from an old game! Do I need to buy and play the videogame so I can feel sad when a character’s life gets snubbed by another character from a different videogame??????

    When it comes to themes, I do vibe incredibly well with the cyberpunk aesthetic. Blood Dragon the premier setting for the Ubisoft animated series. If anything, I wish the show wasn’t as openly silly as Blood Dragon presented itself.

    While I don’t really have much to say about the animation quality, the decision of shifting animation styles to reflect a certain videogame aesthetic is cute (even though they don’t usually reference Ubisoft games). I personally LOVE the show’s brief use of mixed media and it’s something I want to see in other animated shows and films. Seeing a real person in an animated environment with animated characters just tickles something in my ape brain.

    I seriously wanted to like this project, and I do like a lot of what it has to offer. It’s just so undercooked. I’m interested to see if this story goes anywhere in the future, but I can’t help but expect Captain Laserhawk to be forgotten once another game publisher steps in with their own realized series.

    Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix Review 2023 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online

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